Monday, October 26, 2009

Odd Things I Think of...

I've often said that my mind is a scary place. Strange thoughts seem to pop in and they seem so obvious that I don't know why I don't hear them anywhere else. I had one this morning while in the shower...

Why is it that the Enron execs have been vilified and prosecuted on false charges, had their lives ruined by untruths and false evidence, yet Al Gore is awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his false analysis of Global Warming? Better yet, why was Bernie Madoff imprisoned (rightly so) for conning millions of dollars from people, yet Al Gore is still walking around a free man while STILL conning millions of dollars from people.

In the old days, that snake oil salesman would have been tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.

WHat do you think?


Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

Thought I'd stop and see your place. And I must have hit paydirt, as your first post stuck a chord.

I've never looked at this way, but you are absolutely right. Perhaps if wasn't a false idol of the left, and a media darling. Certainly if he were a conservative he'd have been publicly disgraced by now.

Rude1 said...

Thanks for stopping in BR! Like I said, sometimes I tend to see things a bit differently; maybe not correctly, but differently all the same.

If he were a Conservative, not only would he have been publicly disgraced, but probably would be in federal prison!